Gramya Farms Way
Regenerative farming is a technique that is exactly how nature intended it to be; just like how the natural ecosystem works in the forests; ever wondered who looks after the plants and trees in the jungle…provide them fertilisers or keep them safe from attacks by pests and diseases or irrigate the soil to make sure they are healthy. It’s all a natural process, the law of Nature - Plants get 98% of their supply of nutrients from the air, water, and sunlight. The remaining 2% can be fulfilled by good quality soil with plenty of friendly microorganisms that are created due to years of mulching by fallen leaves and trees.
Gramya Farms follows this ‘Law of Nature’ in the regenerative farming practices, working with the natural biodiversity of each farmed area, encouraging the complexity of living organisms of both plants and animals that shape the ecosystem to thrive along with what is grown on the farm. The soil is always covered with mulch to create humus that increases the holding capacity of natural carbon from the environment and feeding it to the soil which encourages the growth of friendly microorganisms, gradually adding nutrition in the soil and gradually rebuilding the health of degraded soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity resulting in improving the water cycle and carbon drawdown.
Every single living organism benefits from regenerative farming, which helps in making the entire ecosystem self-sustaining and zero-waste. Be it the multi-cropping method used in the farm, reducing tillage; the crop cover technique where even the weeds are used for mulching or the honeybees buzzing over flora cross-pollinating and making sure the farm is always bountiful.
While cow dung and cow urine is used to make fertilisers like ‘Jeevamrut’ and ‘Ghanjeevamrut’ and germicides such as ‘Agnishastra’. Making the produce completely chemical free. It is scientifically proven that indigenous Indian cow’s microbial content of cow dung, and urine contains high amounts of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Cow dung also harbours rich microbial diversity, containing good bacteria, protozoa and yeast. Making it a natural fertiliser and protector of the soil.